You’re not alone if you feel like you’re just living your life without purpose. So many people find themselves in this position at some point. I was struggling to find my path for years.
I wanted something meaningful where I could fulfill myself and make a difference. But I didn’t see that in any of my 9-5 jobs. They just felt tedious and repetitive. So, the frustration led me to figure out why I think that way.
If that sounds familiar to you, you’ll find seven possible reasons why that might be the case. But before that, let’s first get an idea about purpose, as the ambiguity of the term “purpose” plays an integral part in the feeling of no purpose.
What Is Purpose?
A sense of purpose is often described as a direction or goal that gives your life meaning. You aim for something that makes you feel fulfilled, and it usually involves assisting others. Of course, everyone’s definition of purpose will be different, but there are some common themes.
“Purpose” isn’t necessarily a big mission or spiritual destiny we need to discover. It can be something small and simple that makes you happy and fulfills you. It can be the little joy of your everyday life, a lifestyle like being in shape, a hobby you like, or even a place you want to be in.
So don’t worry if you still need to find your grand mission. You can gradually reveal your purpose by practicing self-reflection on your projects and hobbies and learning about what feels good. Learn more about your life purpose.
How Does It Feel to Lack a Purpose?
I felt lost, confused, and anxious when I wrestled to find a sense of purpose. The first stage was repressing the question of purpose in my 20s and the first years of my 20s. I dodged asking myself who I was and what I should do. Instead, I studied at the university and worked in back-office and customer service jobs.
Then, after failing to achieve my main goal at the time – studying for a postgraduate sociology degree in the U.K. – I needed to find an alternative. A path that will provide me with a similar meaning of delivering new knowledge but also in a less competitive work environment.
Through my search, I was afraid the path I wished for didn’t exist. That made me stagnant with nothing but my mediocre job. I felt like I was going through the motions daily without any real goal or destination.
I worked like a zombie without passion and gradually left this job to determine my path. That made me anxious and depressed.
Finally, in the second part of my 30s, I landed in a balance lane of a solo content creator and some freelance writing projects. That filled me with confidence and a more balanced lifestyle. Here I shared how it felt to find my purpose.
It’s normal to feel empty and lacking purpose occasionally, but if you’re constantly lacking a sense of purpose, it might be time to explore some of the possible reasons why that might be.
Disclaimer : Lack of purpose can sometimes be a sign of depression – a condition that requires medical attention. I’m not a doctor, so consider seeing one if lacking purpose bothers you. The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only, and it is not a substitue for professional advice. The article may contain affiliate links. See the full disclaimer for more details.
7 Possible reasons why you have no purpose in life
The following are seven possible reasons you might not have a sense of purpose. These reasons are based on my experiences and struggle with finding purpose and what I learned on the topic through reading online.
1. You Don’t Know What You Want

One of the main reasons people struggle to find purpose is that they don’t know what they want from life. Research indicates that people aren’t good at finding what makes them happy 1. They might have a lot of goals and aspirations, but they are not sure whether these goals can make them happy. This stuff is challenging for many people, me included. I haven’t had a clue what will bring me the spark long-term.
If this sounds like you, take some time to self-reflect and figure out your thing. That might take some time, but with the proper self-exploration method, it can run more smoothly.
It’s plausible that you are overwhelmed by all the options and don’t know WHAT fits you. You might find this hardship while considering a career change, picking a new hobby, or finding a niche for your channel or blog. Being overwhelmed and feeling stuck isn’t pleasant. Therefore, in the video guide below, I show you why this experience happens and how you can find your path more smoothly:
Another effective practice is Meditating to find your thing, or writing down your work energy, goals and dreams, and ask yourself what would make you happy. If all of these techniques don’t bring you closer to a clear idea, consult a life coach or a certified therapist.
I’ve been meeting a therapist once a week for four years. That helped me figure out my way and feel not alone in the process. It also helped me overcome the hard time when I lost a sense of purpose.
Once you have a better idea of what you want, finding a purpose that aligns with those desires will be easier.
2. You’re Worried About Making a Mistake
Many people avoid finding purpose because they’re worried about making mistakes. You can call it perfectionism or whatever you like. With this tendency, I have to do everything correctly. But as it can be limiting in other areas of life, it is also restricting when trying to find purpose.
This is a common reason to refrain from answering yourself who you truly are. The fear of choosing wrong can be paralyzing. For example, I was afraid that if I didn’t have a clear plan for my life, I’d screw everything up. But after diving into the water, I realized this wasn’t true.
Everyone makes mistakes, and there’s no shame in trying and failing. The important thing is to learn from your failures and keep moving forward.
As I learned from failing to enter the academic world, I discovered a different path that shares similar things I like to do – create helpful knowledge for others.
So don’t let your fear of making mistakes prevent you from finding your purpose in life. Finding your right path takes time, and it’s mostly not happening in a moment. But experiencing and reflecting on life is how to know yourself better and finally find your purpose.
3. You Don’t Believe You’re Capable
Another reason why people might not have a sense of purpose is because they don’t believe they can reach their goals. They might think they need to have a unique skill or be more talented to hit the mark and do something meaningful with their lives. This can be especially dooming when it comes to personal growth – if you don’t believe in yourself, you’ll never be able to reach your full potential.
So, start by changing how you perceive yourself, and use positive affirmations to cheer you up when things get complicated. Then, permit yourself to succeed. I know it’s easier said than done. But these affirmations helped me overcome the most challenging times in my life through my existential crisis in my mid-30s and ultimately finding my purpose.
4. You Don’t Value Your Time

Some people never find a sense of purpose because they don’t value their time. They might think life is too short to find a deeper meaning, so they focus on having fun and enjoying the moment. While this approach is acceptable, this mindset can hold you back from reaching your full potential. The empty feeling of lacking a purpose may be the immediate result of that approach. However, regretting later in life might be the long-term result you especially don’t want.
Now this self-discovery thing can get tricky. Diving too deep into your purpose can lead to overwhelming and stagnant. The purpose isn’t an abstract thing out there but rather a discovery that you get through everyday experiences.
You need to experience things in your job and be alert for opportunities around you. Alternatively, you can lean toward off-work activities like new lifestyles or pleasant hobbies. Who knows, you might become a successful expert if you master this new hobby.
It’s essential to find the balance between the little things you enjoy with the bigger plan of what you are better at and want to spend most of your time.
Time is critical. We might regret that later if we don’t make out of it wisely. We are here for a limited amount of time, so it’s important to make sure you’re using yours to feel that you do something meaningful and fulfill yourself.
5. You’re Too Busy to Find a Purpose
Many people never find a sense of purpose because they’re too busy working or caring for their families. They don’t have time for themselves, so they never explore what they want out of life.
Working full-time while taking care of the duties of the household is a classic example. Unfortunately, this is where women still find more burden than men to run their careers and care for their families 2. In a tight schedule at work and home, it’s challenging to devote time for yourself and your true sentiments.
Nevertheless, this is not a black-or-white explanation. Based on my journey for purpose, quitting your job to explore your purpose is NOT a wise choice. I regret doing that, as spending too much alone without a steady schedule and social life can mentally make the process more challenging. Instead, reducing working hours or freeing up some time on weekends for yourself can be a good self-discovery plan.
Try setting aside some time each week for yourself. Use that time to reflect on your goals and dreams and see if you can do anything to start moving closer toward them.
That could be creating a side hustle, devoting time to a new hobby or volunteer work, or anything that lets you know yourself better and help you fulfill yourself.
6. You’re Afraid of Change
Some people avoid finding a purpose because they don’t want to change their current lifestyle. They’re comfortable with the way things are and afraid of stepping out of their comfort zone. I get it. Following the known path and a stable salary is important. It provides you with financial security and protects you and your family.
However, change is necessary if you want to grow and evolve. It’s ok to be afraid, but don’t let that fear stop you from achieving your goals, whatever these are. Remember that change can be good – it can help you learn new things about yourself and add perks to your life.
When deciding on a change, it’s essential to carry it responsibly. Again, not leaving the job entirely as I did, but navigating new career or business opportunities on the side.
7. You’re Trying Too Hard

Trying to find a sense of purpose can sometimes backfire. If you’re constantly searching for meaning, you might feel like you’re not doing enough with your life. This can lead to feelings of anxiety and dissatisfaction.
This is exactly my story. As a highly sensitive person, I tend to deep process things and evaluate my decisions from different angles. But, unfortunately, that made me stay in the process of finding purpose too long. I don’t want it to happen to you. This is why I initiated this blog – to help you find your purpose more efficiently.
My critical insight was that you should take self-discovery seriously but not too seriously!
So instead of trying so hard to find a purpose, try to relax and live your life in the moment. Enjoy learning new things about yourself through immersing yourself in new work opportunities or hobby experiences.
See what happens when you stop looking for meaning and let things happen naturally. Experience new things instead of overthinking your purpose. You might be surprised at what you discover about yourself!
What to Do if You Have No Purpose?
Remember that finding a sense of purpose takes time and effort. It’s not something that will happen overnight. It took me more than four years to figure out my balance of work and living. It may take you less or more. It depends on you and life events you may not have control of. If you’re struggling to find purpose, here are a few things you can do:
- Consult with a therapist or life coach. They can help you explore your feelings and determine what keeps you from finding a purpose.
- Read books about self-discovery and personal growth and listen to podcasts that inspire you.
- Spend time with people who share similar interests and goals.
- Join a club or group that aligns with your values or provides you with new skills.
- Volunteer in your community for a cause that’s important to you.
- Start working on a hobby or project that brings you joy.
- Consider creating content or monetizing your hobbies. You can do so by blogging about a specific niche or sharing your growth journey and tips through YouTube videos or short videos on Instagram or TikTok.
Even when life seems boring with no meaning, don’t give up. Instead, keep exploring and growing, and eventually, ask for support from others, and you’ll see how things can get into place and make sense.
The pillar component is a mindset. If you affirm that you can fill the emptiness with joy and purpose again, you are already on the right track. Know that the unpleasant feeling of emptiness can be changed. You don’t need to live only to pay bills and satisfy those around you. A meaningful career or lifestyle can replace a lack of purpose. Finding your purpose can be an up-and-down journey, but it’s possible if you dedicate yourself to knowing yourself better on an ongoing basis.
Check my recommended self-discovery tools to start exploring your purpose now.
Shachar is a blogger and sensitive person who worked in a recruitment company and holds a master’s degree in sociology. After years of struggles to find purpose, he made this blog to help others find their purpose more efficiently. He likes to play chess, walk in nature, and take photos in his free time.
- “You Don’t Know What You Want,” William Berry, Psychology Today[↩]
- Despite progress, women still bear heavier load than men in balancing work and family, Pew Research Center[↩]