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45 Journal Prompts to Spark Gratitude

A silhouette of a woman standing in front of the sunrise

Gratitude journal prompts are powerful to assist you in better coping with everyday stress. They helped me tolerate toxic people and challenging situations, from dealing with neighbor noise at night to staying consistent as a solo creator.

However, gratitude is not achieved overnight. You need to practice it repeatedly until it is dialed into your system. Then, it can help you shift your perspective and equip you with extra power to cope with what life brings you.

Moreover, studies have shown that regular gratitude practice can improve sleep, reduce anxiety and depression, relieve stress, and even support better heart health 1.

The most straightforward way to spark gratitude is through journaling. Unlike other standard journaling techniques, where you learn to release and process emotions, find your path, or brainstorm solutions to a specific problem, gratitude prompts help you embrace positivity and appreciation. This mindset can improve how you experience the world and make you more resilient.

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How to Use Gratitude Prompts Efficiently

Find a quiet space to reflect without interruptions to get the most out of the prompts below. I like to write a journal either on my desk after breakfast or in my room before bedtime. Then, I have the quietest conditions to focus and journal about positive aspects of my life.

The advantage of gratitude journaling before bedtime is that it can reduce worries and enhance better and longer sleep 2.

On the other hand, the critical benefit of journaling in the morning is a fresh start. Writing several minutes in the morning can give you mental clarity to approach the day positively and productively.

Try journaling at different times of the day and see what works best for you. Ideally, each session should deploy 1-3 prompts so you can dive deep into only a few aspects of gratification without getting overwhelmed. Nonetheless, you can also use a specific prompt you like several times to explore further positive experiences as your week progresses.

When using each prompt, it’s essential to be specific and detailed and focus on how something makes you feel better. That way, it goes beyond the superficial level of just being thankful generically; for example, instead of appreciating your apartment to live in, write why you like this place and how exactly it makes you feel good.

45 Journal Prompts to Spark Gratitude

The Fundamentals

  1. Write down five things you’re grateful for today, big or small.
  2. What small pleasure did you experience recently that brought you joy?
  3. Describe a delicious meal you had in the past week. What made it special?
  4. What personal or professional goals have you achieved recently? These could also be steps you completed toward your goal.
  5. What projects at work have you finished this week? If you are still in the middle of a project, break it down into parts and write about those you completed.
  6. Write about one feedback you got from your supervisor or tutor, whether at work or in college, or a client if you have a business.

Appreciating the Ordinary

  1. Take a moment to appreciate the comfort of your home. Describe the details that make it feel special.
  2. What daily routine or task do you often take for granted? Focus on the positive aspects of completing it.
  3. Write down three things you’re grateful for about your body.
  4. List three negative things you assumed would happen but ultimately didn’t happen.
  5. Write about good experiences with your neighbors, even something like a warm good morning salutation.
  6. List the products or services you purchased last month and elaborate on how they made you feel better or upgraded your life.
  7. What is your favorite part of the day, and why? How does it make you feel?

Relationships and Community

There are two ways to practice gratitude towards other people – receiving gratitude – reflecting on instances where someone appreciated you, and expressing gratitude, where you appreciate someone.

Interestingly, recent studies have shown that the first method is more effective than the second one 3. So, try both methods and give special attention to the gratitude you received.

Receiving Gratitude

  1. Try to recall times when you received gratitude from others for some advice you gave or even a low-level empathic gesture to a stranger.
  2. List three qualities that your friends appreciate in you.
  3. Recall the kind words or compliments you received recently from your spouse or your last date if you are single.
  4. Mention at least one occasion when someone learned something new from you, whether through the content you published online or life lessons you spontaneously shared offline.
  5. Think about a time you received unexpected help or kindness. How did it impact you?
  6. Write about social situations where you made someone smile or laugh.

Expressing Gratitude

  1. Write a thank-you letter to a friend, family member, or mentor who has impacted your life.
  2. Think about someone who makes you laugh. Describe a funny joke he told you so you forgot about your troubles for a moment.
  3. What are the qualities of your spouse you genuinely appreciate? If you are single, what qualities are you looking for in your potential partner?
  4. Write about one or two positive traits you inherited from your parents.
  5. Even though the relationship with our parents can be complex, try to appreciate at least one good value they taught you.
  6. In hindsight, how did your school and college positively contribute to what you have become today?
  7. What are you grateful for in your community?
  8. What do you appreciate in your country or culture?

Growth and Learning

  1. Reflect on a challenge you recently overcame. What did you learn from the experience?
  2. Write down three skills you’re grateful for and how they’ve enriched your life.
  3. Describe your progress briefly in a particular aspect of your life over the last few years – career, relationship, entrepreneurship, lifestyle. Focus on the progress and not what is yet to be done.
  4. List your best achievements throughout your life. Look for common themes and ideas to capitalize on in your current pursuits.
  5. If you have a business, freelance gig, or create content online, list all the milestones of your journey in terms of the first buck, $100, $1000, and so on, and how you overcame hurdles and developed as a person.
  6. List a book or article you read last month that made you feel good. Elaborate on the effect on you, including inspiration, an actionable takeaway to improve your life, and a fun time reading.
  7. What is your favorite destination in your travel memory? How did this place make you feel and why?
  8. List outside work tasks and errands you got done this week.
  9. Take one skill you are less good at and improved in the last year. It could be work-related or personal related.

Nature’s Beauty

  1. Write about a recent magical nature view that filled you with peace or awe.
  2. What is your favorite sound in nature? Why does it bring you joy?
  3. Imagine yourself walking through your favorite natural environment. Describe the sights, sounds, and smells in detail.
  4. What animals did you see recently outdoors, birds, horses, cows, dogs, etc. – how did their presence make you feel?
  5. Recall a moment you had sitting alone in the park. Imagine the different experience it provided you compared to the social vibes at work or with your friends.

Looking Inward

  1. What are you most grateful for about yourself?
  2. Write down a quality or strength you admire in yourself.
  3. Recall an instance where you stood behind your truth with conviction
  4. Recall a victory in a recent game you played, online or offline. It could be destroying the boss in a video game, winning rating points in chess, a goal in football, and so on.

Final thoughts

The original law of attraction states that what you focus on amplifies. I know that this spiritual belief might sound woo-woo to some people, but if practiced consistently, it can be a game changer.

After being skeptical, I finally gave it a chance and discovered the magic of manifesting, at least regarding gratitude journaling.

Gratitude journaling daily or even every other day is an easy and effective way to focus on the good in your life. It has changed my life in the past year, making me less anxious and more resilient.

There are no right or wrong answers when writing about your experiences. Be present and mindful as you write, and let your intuition guide your writing. Don’t overthink things. Mention the positive stuff and go into emotional details to vividly feel the positive effect.

The unique advantage of a gratitude journal (compared to a negative emotion dump journal) is that you may want to keep and read it in the future—as an existing motivator or a pleasant memory. Another benefit of that is seeing your progress through reading your journal.

Keep the journal in an enticing place on your desk so you can reread it when you feel unmotivated. Write down new thoughts and experiences you are grateful for, and more importantly, recall instances when you felt appreciated by others.

  1. Health benefits of gratitude, UCLA Health[]
  2. How Gratitude Helps You Sleep at Night, Psychology Today[]
  3. The Science of Gratitude & How to Build a Gratitude Practice, Andrew Huberman’s YouTube channel[]